icareindia is doing an outstanding job of bringing together students, youth and local communities on the same platform without any financial assistance from the government....

icareindia has recently added Livelihood Improvement Program under the community empowerment pillar. The Livelihood Program focuses on farmer and young rural youth. It helps farmers to adopt near-zero budget farming model to produce quality organic...
Save Sparrow campaignThe common house sparrow is one of the most ubiquitous birds around us and is one of the more familiar winged companions of human beings. It has, over a period of time, evolved with us.At one time a very common sight, in the past...
Computers have changed the way we work, be it any profession. Therefore, it is only natural that the role of computers in education has been given a lot of importance in recent years. Computers play a vital role in every field. They aid industrial...
icareindia is doing an outstanding job of bringing together students, youth and local communities on the same platform without any financial assistance from the government....
icareindia has been instrumental in getting my students interested in getting educated. They are coming to school regularly, in bigger numbers than before. icareindia is a responsible organisation...
I am happy to have been associated with icareindia. Today, this organisation has given me a new identity which I am proud of.
I had the golden opportunity to be a part of this mission and help those schools scale heights I can proudly say that I have learnt a lot and have grown as a person....
Today, I can safely say that people’s perception of government is undergoing a change. Those who were averse to the idea of sending their children to government schools, are not only doing so but...